The Tuckaseigee Chapter of Trout Unlimited serves the western North Carolina counties of Jackson, Macon and Swain.
Our mission is the preservation and conservation of coldwater fisheries throughout western North Carolina. One of the best ways to preserve our fisheries for future generations is through education and communication.
Meetings of the Tuckaseigee Chapter of Trout Unlimited are held at the Community Meeting Room of the United Community Bank on highway 107 south in Sylva, NC. The meeting room is at the rear of the bank. Meetings start at 6:30 PM and are held on the first Tuesday of each month. Meals are provided by a rotating grub committee to chapter members at a cost of $5.
There’s one fundamental truth about rivers: what happens upstream will eventually flow downstream. Everything is interconnected, so we must work effectively not only on local streams, but also on entire rivers and river systems.
To succeed, we rely on our combination of grassroots capacity and professional expertise. A simple yet effective framework integrates our efforts: protect pristine habitat, usually in the headwaters; then reconnect it to areas we restore downstream. Sustain this work over time by building a broad coalition of people committed to coldwater conservation.
On any given river, you might find TU policy experts advocating for legislation to protect pristine lands, while staff scientists collaborate with volunteers on the ground to clean up streams and replace culverts that block fish passage. Partnership projects with local schools complement these efforts, introducing a new generation to TU’s work.
Everyone tackles a different piece of the puzzle, but the end result is miles and miles of interconnected habitat for fish, and healthier, more fishable rivers for all of us.